November 8th is International STEM Day! To celebrate, Spark Education wants to share some fun facts and information about the importance of STEM subjects. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These subjects help kids become problem solvers in school and their future careers. Lets go over what makes STEM subjects so important and fun ways you can use STEM skills at home as we celebrate International STEM Day!
Why is STEM important?
STEM subjects can be intimidating. Many people consider them the “harder” subjects. One of the most frustrating aspects about STEM subjects is that for most questions there is a specific answer that has to be figured out. This leaves no wiggle room or margin of error and can lead to students spending hours on a math problem or tinkering with engineering projects for the right result.
The hard work and accuracy required for STEM subjects makes learners become better problem solvers. Some mathematicians and scientists have spent their lives working on one problem. While it can be frustrating, working toward finding solutions to those problems can change the world.
STEM subjects are the path toward the future. Without the skills that come with STEM education, we wouldn’t have smartphones, video games, or even medicine. Science, technology, engineering, and math skills are needed for some of the top careers. From being a medical professional to designing spaceships that can get people to Mars, none of them is possible without the power of STEM knowledge.

How to celebrate International STEM Day
In 2015,the Congressional Caucus on STEM Education established the first National STEM Day in the United States. Soon it would be celebrated across the world as a day to inspire children to get involved with STEM subjects. Here are some fun ways to celebrate STEM that the whole family can love.
Go to a Science Museum
Science museums designed for kids, are a great way for the whole family to interact with science in the real world. You can walk through a giant human heart in the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, control a 40 foot tornado in Chicago, or have a sleepover in the Natural History Museum in NYC.
Check out our list of the 7 best science Museums for kids!

Build a machine!
Machines are the perfect mix of technology and engineering. Nothing is more fun than creating a machine that works and can complete a task. Younger kids can create a paper and straw hand that moves just like a real one, or make the aerodynamic paper airplane. For older kids, try building your very own moving robot with some simple parts from a local hardware store. Check out these great technology and engineering projects the whole family can work on.
Flex your mind muscles by joining for a math competition!
Math competitions and contest are fun, challenging, and exciting ways for kids to use their passion for mathematics. Math competitions are huge around the world and are a great way to use math while learning about teamwork, sportsmanship, and confidence. Competitions like the AMC, Math Kangaroo, and the International Mathematical Olympiad offer fun competition, prizes, and even scholarships.
Want to ace your Math competitions? Check out Spark Math’s Competition program here.
Spark Education and STEM!
Spark Education is excited to celebrate International STEM Day with all out students and families. We focus on creating a fun and effective way for students to learn! If you’re looking for more great STEM activities for kids in Kindergarten to 5th grade, check out these great STEM activity blogs!
Pre- K / Kindergarten – First Grade – Second Grade – Third Grade – Fourth Grade – Fifth Grade
Looking for a weekly online class filled with learning activities, gamified learning, and all led by experienced math teachers? Try Spark Math to become a math ace and start your child’s journey to their STEM career. Sign up to try a free demo class today!