Many students struggle with math and the signs are usually easy to spot. But did you know it can be detrimental if your child thinks math is too easy? No parent wants to let their child waste their potential due to coasting along when a subject is too easy. Spark Math‘s programmes are designed to meet children wherever they are on their math journey, including gifted students that need to go above and beyond grade-level math. Let’s take a look at the top 3 signs your child isn’t being challenged in math class.
1) Your Child’s Grades in Math are Slipping
Wait, isn’t this supposed to be about students that excel in math? Yes! But boredom and apathy can lead to grade decline just as easily as struggling with classroom content. What’s important is getting to the bottom of the grade decline.
Some things to look for:
- Not turning in homework
- Test scores declining
- Losing participation points
- Math skills declining
In this case, it’s best to talk with your child and find out the root cause. Ask your child if math class is too hard for them. Observe their work and see how they are performing. If they seem to cruise through problems with ease, they are most likely not being challenged enough in school.

2) Your Child is Bored in Math Class
“Math is boring!” Math might not be as exciting as watching the newest superhero movie, but it should not be something that puts your child to sleep. In school, boredom can be a telltale sign that your child is not being engaged or stimulated. Does your child seem unmotivated or reluctant to go to math class? If yes, it may be a good time to sit down with your child and talk to find out more.
Some questions to ask your child:
- What about math makes you bored?
- Do you understand the questions?
- Is the teacher boring?
- Are the questions too hard?
It is critical to identify why your child is bored. We want to eliminate the possibility that they have fallen behind and started tuning out the material because they don’t understand. Observe your child doing homework and see how they perform. Here at Spark Math, we tailor our lesson plan to the student. The lesson experience is personalised according to every child’s needs. This makes sure that the number and difficulty level of the questions received by every child are appropriate and fitted to their abilities.
If your child is breezing through their work, we can likely conclude they are not being challenged enough. This could indicate your child is highly capable in math and needs to be a level or 2 above their grade level.
3) Your Child is Working Ahead on Their Own
When the rest of the class is going at a slow pace, advanced students may take matters into their own hands. These students might start working on the next lesson or even 2-3 ahead. It shows a keen intellect toward math; however, there are some problems with this approach. Students might learn new concepts in a way that can impede their progress down the line. They may also finish future assignments but lose track of them when the rest of the class catches up.
When math becomes too easy and students start working ahead, this kind of self-pacing without proper guidance may not be the best supportive learning experience. The best thing to do in this case is to check your child’s workbooks or notes. Working ahead could easily go unnoticed. If it appears they are progressing faster, talk with the teacher and confirm where the rest of the class is at. If your child is quite a bit ahead, it is time to step in. Finding math enrichment programmes like Spark Math can also help gifted children learn effectively at an accelerated rate.
Final Thoughts
It is normal for capable students to be under challenged in normal school progression. Challenging and engaging these advanced kids will do them a world of good. Leaving them to their own devices could result in a plethora of problems.
Are you looking for a new way to challenge your gifted child? Check out Spark Math’s programme offerings and get the best potential out of your child starting today. Sign up to try a free demo class today!