Online educational games are dime a dozen on the internet these days. Your child can probably rattle off the websites they visit to play math games. Math game websites like Math Playground offer plenty of entertaining games that put math skills to the test — but it doesn’t have to be the only way children experience math.
If you’re looking for a more holistic, student-centred learning experience for your child, then Spark Math is the programme for you. Here are some of the ways Spark Math combines fun and learning to help children master math.
Our math teachers will be there for your child
Just because a kid is playing a math game, it doesn’t mean that they are constantly learning and picking up math skills. When they make a mistake or apply the wrong concept, are they truly aware of where they have gone wrong?
At Spark Math, all our classes have qualified teachers who are there to not just teach math concepts, but also guide and explain them to students. Students can receive valuable, personalised feedback from teachers during class time so that they are aware of what to look out for in their work. Yes, online math websites are filled with plenty of games to practise math, but children may not know when they are making mistakes, or why they are wrong. We have a teacher present to provide advice at Spark Math, and this can make all the difference.
Our content is designed around learning
When gaming, your child may be figuring out how to score and win, but do they know how to apply these concepts outside of the game? Knowing how to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt in other areas is just as important. It is great if a child is able to recite a math formula, but it is equally essential for them to know how to use it in different contexts. We understand that here at Spark Math, which is why we utilise the transfer of learning approach in our classes. Our content is designed to present students with opportunities for them to actively transfer learning, which helps to reinforce concepts and deepen understanding.
Seamless ad-free experience
There’s a reason Math Playground is free: because it’s covered in ads. We all know how annoying it is to be really focused on a show or an article when all of a sudden, a video pops up and breaks our concentration. If constantly stopping to watch a video or clicking out on a pop-up ad distracts us from reading or watching a show, imagine how distracting it is for a kid when trying to solve a math problem.
With Spark Math, students enjoy a seamless ad-free experience. They can hone their math skills through gamified learning with no unexpected breaks. In this way, children can focus on learning and stay engaged for as long as possible.
Interactive activities and discussions with classmates
Online math websites are a great way to find games about tons of different math concepts, but they don’t touch on classroom skills such as discussion and collaboration. When faced with a difficult game, kids may lose interest and simply restart the game, or even exit the site!
For moments like these, we understand that they are great opportunities for children to challenge themselves. Spark Math provides a platform for students to take part in interactive activities and discussions with their classmates. Students are encouraged to participate in class and show what they have learnt. Doing so hones their soft skills such as communication and presentation skills, and prepares them for situations even beyond the classroom.
More than just games
Kids love games, but that’s not the only way they learn. Online math websites such as Math Playground are a great way to supplement learning and for kids to spend their free time using math skills without being bored, but there’s so much more.
The experience is different at Spark Math. In class, students can look forward to personalised advice, a smooth learning experience and discussion with peers. We make use of animation to help students visualise and get a deeper understanding of math concepts. Our teachers will be there with your child to make sure they truly understand what they have learnt.
Online math websites work like a charm for kids to practise the math skills they already know, but it won’t take kids to the next level of learning math. For a more comprehensive learning experience, join Spark Math to give your child the head start they need to succeed in math for the classroom — and the future.
To find out how Spark Math online classes are more than just an online educational game, take a sneak peek with a FREE trial class. Our classes are designed for K2 to P4 students, and you can look forward to animated explanations and highly interactive lessons that help to master math heuristics.